Windows Defender detects my scripts as “HackTool:BAT/AutoKMS”

Based on testing on some Windows devices, I have just relized that Microsoft disallowed to use KMS scripts in the recent update. To reconfirm this, I uploaded a batch script file to VirusTotal and here is the result.

There is no offical reason or notification and it just was a quiet event. I think many you guys here were surprised, even shocked as soon as you heard this news. However, Microsoft’s move this time is easy to understand.

1. Batch script is not recommended anymore

KMS commands are developed by Microsoft but the batch scripts are not. They are just contain a batch of KMS commands and written by individuals like me. My purpose of creating the scripts is help you guys save your time instead of running all commands, one by one in the command prompt or Windows power shell. But this method has never been treated as an official method because opening batch file with admin rights is not recommended by Microsoft. For example, if the author inserts the command formatting your disk into the script, all your data will be lost.

2. Batch script is used to fleece others

As you know, my Paypal account has been limited permanently because many people reported me to Paypal and said that I had sold them fake product keys on eBay. Someone has used my name to create an online shop and sell all my scripts. He told buyers a brazen lie that the scripts he sold is the new generation of digital license. It goes without saying people who are willing to spend a few dozen of dollars to order them have never known my site and my work. And they are willing to report the author of the scripts too when they realized the truth without finding out carefully. 🙁

The move of Microsoft will clear all opportunists and swindlers and I’m all for it. I will replace the KMS scripts from all my posts with the manual method in the coming time. Finally, I would like to thank you guys for always standing by my side. Your support and your encouragement mean a lot to me. It only remains for me to thank.

If you would have any questions or concerns, please leave your comments. I would be glad to explain in more details. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support!

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  1. Just click on allow this threat and you are done.
    and before running the script turn off antivirus.
    You are done!!
    i did the same for ms office 2016.

  2. Sorry that happened to you. Thank you for all you’ve given and for all of what you have to put up with. Hopefully that guy who took advantage of the GNU idea will pay, because of what that person did is the reason well all have to pay.

  3. Здравствуйте!
    Я не смог активировать ваш ключ KMS. На последнем этапе отсутствует продолжение в “Командной строке”

  4. Hi ,

    Is the office 365 batch script still working? I keep trying to activate but it showed the server is busy..


  5. after installing malwarebytes trial version all the office 2016 and 2019 txt files are working fine for me.

  6. Thank you, Guang! You’ve made my life a lot easier with all of your help! Definitely! Thank you so much!

    Keep up the good work, and good luck with your college studies!


  7. Hi
    I guess you are doing quite a helpful job for many like me. Much appreciated and as I reached your website i found out also that KMS is no more going to work the way you have shown in your last post. so will be waiting for your manual method to activate office.
    stay happy and healthy

  8. Hola leí tu mensaje de como eliminar con el segundo paso el aviso de office sin licencia y pusiste dos comandos para ejecutarse en el cmd.
    reg delete “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform” /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
    reg delete “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform” /f /v KeyManagementServiceName

    Mi pregunta esw si se copia y se ejecuta uno a uno, o se copian los dos y se ejecuta. Muchas gracias. saludos

    1. Me gustaría saber por qué cojones escribes español. Lees unicamente inglés en toda la página y comentarios, pero a tí cabrón de mierda te sale la idea de escribir una lengua diferente. Hay que ser bien p**o..

  9. Hello! As you probably know, office 2021 is out. If you could make a guide about that, it would be great. Thanks in advance!

  10. Most of the protection software detect specific variables and patterns.

    The batch script contains a combination of false positive, fix as below:
    1. Delete all the underscore for KMS_Sev
    2. Delete the double quote for explorer “”&goto halt

    VirusTotal 0 detections!

    Credit to Guang

    1. I’m a novice. Would greatly appreciate if you could send me a step-by-step guide as to how to do that exactly.
      Thanks a ton

  11. Yes !! I always use your Batch script to Activate my Softwares either it is Windows or MS Office , It really works for me…


  13. Hola.

    Podrías publicar-enseñarnos un método que sirviera igualmente para validar Office en MAcOS, gracias.


    Translated by Google:


    Could you post-show us a method that would also serve to validate Office in MAcOS, thanks.


  14. If Paypal is blocking you, s***w them!

    Start using the future of money Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    The more people that start using and accepting crypto the more freedom.

    Btw love your work, you are very talented.

  15. Double click windows defender>under virus & threat protection settings ‘manage settings’>real-time protection ‘off’ position. This will disable windows defender and you would be able to create the batch file and run it as usual. Remeber when you switch back on real-time protection it will detect and delete the file.

  16. Guang I can’t thank you enough for this. With the hardship my family and I face, you have no idea how much help you work has given us. There was just no other way of obtaining these resources until I found you. When our troubles are over, I shall find your page again and donate.

  17. It’s show office 2016 after activating what should I do . Should I sign out of my account which does not have office 365 subscription to access it?

  18. Bat can’t contain the kms address, so defender will detect, my solution was:

    set VAR1=kms7
    set VAR2=.msg
    set VAR3=uides.
    set VAR4=com
    set VAR=%VAR1%%VAR2%%VAR3%%VAR4%

    then cscript C:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /skms %VAR%

  19. Final line does not work (10+ attempts) for me.. Any ideas on that?
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16>cscript ospp.vbs /act
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Installed product key detected – attempting to activate the following product:
    SKU ID: 85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03
    LICENSE NAME: Office 19, Office19ProPlus2019VL_KMS_Client_AE edition
    Last 5 characters of installed product key: 6MWKP
    ERROR CODE: 0x80080005
    ERROR DESCRIPTION: Run the following: cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0x80080005

    1. Update error with a code 0x80080005 is a Windows 10 update error.

      Scan you PC, fix any problem first, before try KMS activation again.

  20. so how to i go about letting it through, just click allow? cause your batch file has worked on other computers of mine

  21. why all batch file said my office is not supported version
    meanwhile in other laptop it works

    FYI, i bought 2 new laptop and try your batch script

    1. Where do you download office program?

      Uninstall all from control panel.

      Top community click in, left hand side click in others.

      You will find two post by me. Choose the version you wan’t to download. Activation method show at the end of the post, Enjoy.

  22. Unfortunately i jumped the gun and used the batch edition and im scared of getting my system bricked is there a way to reverse this?

    1. This is the first time hear used the batch file will break your system.

      It is safe to use. NO virus installed.
