Windows Defender detects my scripts as “HackTool:BAT/AutoKMS”

Based on testing on some Windows devices, I have just relized that Microsoft disallowed to use KMS scripts in the recent update. To reconfirm this, I uploaded a batch script file to VirusTotal and here is the result.

There is no offical reason or notification and it just was a quiet event. I think many you guys here were surprised, even shocked as soon as you heard this news. However, Microsoft’s move this time is easy to understand.

1. Batch script is not recommended anymore

KMS commands are developed by Microsoft but the batch scripts are not. They are just contain a batch of KMS commands and written by individuals like me. My purpose of creating the scripts is help you guys save your time instead of running all commands, one by one in the command prompt or Windows power shell. But this method has never been treated as an official method because opening batch file with admin rights is not recommended by Microsoft. For example, if the author inserts the command formatting your disk into the script, all your data will be lost.

2. Batch script is used to fleece others

As you know, my Paypal account has been limited permanently because many people reported me to Paypal and said that I had sold them fake product keys on eBay. Someone has used my name to create an online shop and sell all my scripts. He told buyers a brazen lie that the scripts he sold is the new generation of digital license. It goes without saying people who are willing to spend a few dozen of dollars to order them have never known my site and my work. And they are willing to report the author of the scripts too when they realized the truth without finding out carefully. 🙁

The move of Microsoft will clear all opportunists and swindlers and I’m all for it. I will replace the KMS scripts from all my posts with the manual method in the coming time. Finally, I would like to thank you guys for always standing by my side. Your support and your encouragement mean a lot to me. It only remains for me to thank.

If you would have any questions or concerns, please leave your comments. I would be glad to explain in more details. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support!

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  1. I used your script and it still worked. Thank you very much. I hope that you can do tutorials on ethical hacking.

  2. hi i have a question. but when i run the batch file it works i get windows activated but then after a while it goes back to counting down on the activiation. is there a way to fix that or is there something im doing wrong ?

    1. 1. top right hand side search: Uninstall Microsoft product trial license or KMS license completely
      remoce windows 10 key.

      2. top right hand side searrch: 2 ways to activate Windows 10 for FREE without additional software

      use method 1, done. enjoy.

  3. Dude you are a genius. Your work has helped me a lot because a license for microsoft product cost as much as 1 month of living for a student in 3rd world s**t hole like me. Don’t let some low life opportunistic scammer ruin your day.

  4. You are a legend bro,
    I am student just 14 years old and i activated office 2019 on my pc using activator and on my friend’s pc using command scripts . I have downloaded office from retail version proplus. I am very happy because my parents would never buy these expensive products for me but because of you i activated it freely. Just wait for 6-7 years and I will donate a huge amount to you bro, as you helped me a lot. I m using my fake id here as I think I should keep my identity secret. A very Very Very Great Thanks To You.

  5. Thank you for this post. On one PC it worked like a charm but the other PC i keep getting Error: 0XC004F074
    Any advice?
    Thank you

  6. I realized the situation and the script developed I extracted the manual with cmd commands, I tested it in windows 7 professional virtualbox and it worked well, here is what I did, I hope it will be of help.

    1. Windows 7 Professional FJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4
      Windows 7 Professional N MRPKT-YTG23-K7D7T-X2JMM-QY7MG
      Windows 7 Professional E W82YF-2Q76Y-63HXB-FGJG9-GF7QX
      Windows 7 Enterprise 33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH
      Windows 7 Enterprise N YDRBP-3D83W-TY26F-D46B2-XCKRJ
      Windows 7 Enterprise E C29WB-22CC8-VJ326-GHFJW-H9DH4

      slmgr.vbs /ipk Product Key here
      slmgr.vbs /skms
      slmgr.vbs /ato

  7. I just installed windows 10 pro for workstation 2004. Can you find the solution for this version of windows too please.

  8. My antivirus says that MS Windows 10 is spyware and nagware and that I should remove it. So I did and activated my computer using Linux.

    1. what where you doing before this error took place.
      that error usually happens during an update error.. My advice to anyone before upgrading, is to use DISM at the prompt as ADMIN, to correct your image and then run SFC /scannow.

      Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
      sfc /scannow

      All KMS commands, should be done as ADMIN at the prompt.

  9. I have used both activation methods with great success on many different devices. Just earlier today (April 21st, 2020) I used the batch file on an Insignia tablet. All I had to do was white list the program and it had no issues. Turned on Windows Defender and no issues. Love this site and all you have done! Thank you!!

  10. I upgraded home to pro, using two keys, and not reinstalled windows pro from scratch., as a result of getting the error about CORE and Non core key. I first setup KMS server using /skms option at the cmd prompt. Then you turn on Airplane Mode, then put the key into activation windows in System Settings. It then does the upgrade from home to pro without installing windows pro— I then Put in the Key that is listed in the script, manually at the command prompt because even though the upgrade happened, it isn’t activated on the NON core key, but it is pro. Now this where the bug takes place– because of the bug in KMS software, It now accepts the GVLK (pro key) and switches from non core to core and activation is done using the /ipk option at command prompt.
    by the way, I have windows defender running on my computer.
    anyone needing help, let me know.

    1. Dude, you are a GENIUS. Thank you for posting this! I spent hours researching the “non-core” error (c004f069 in my case). Yes it seems the secret is to set the activation server to BEFORE changing the key, then setting Airplane mode (I wonder if pulling the network cable would be good enough…), then using the Settings, System, About screen to change the key (instead of the command prompt). Mine accepted the Enterprise key posted on the other article on this site and immediately forced a restart as it added the features from Home to Enterprise. Then back to the command prompt to set the activation to, then I took it out of Airplane mode to re-enable network connectivity, then I activated. Bam. Worked like a champ!

      1. That’s great. Thanks. There is another trick I recall doing, and that was, in the past, to /ipk the pro key from DOS, I may have also /skms first changing the server, and tweaked the REG entry in by labeling HOME entry to PRO instead in order to accept the PRO key using /IPK. This was done because I had an error trying to do a KEY change UPGRADE in place thus turning on the locked features of PRO using an Upgrade key. However, it used to work fine in windows 8 before.
        However, I did document this and archived the method. So what happens is, when I twaaked the Registry, I was then able to /ipk a prokey. Then I ran windows setup telling it to install but keep programs/personal files, and it did the new OS upgrade, witihout having to backup, and it installed prol too automantically. Then afterwareds, I did /ATO and it activated. And if you forget, and the KMS is changed, after reboot, it will call to the server and auto activate.

        1. The Pro Keys I used in reference to core / non core error activation solution, were found using..
          tenforums Generic WINDOWS 10
          ..string in google search and you will find the page has two columns with keys, I will not post the Pro keys here, nor will I post the link.
          For those who Need Wins 7/8/10 and Office and other programs from MS, go to Heidoc, and download their Windows Downloader program, Great program. For those who have OLD links that don’t work on the web anymore, and not deleted them, I have tricks on using them to get them to download. IN fact, I can still download GENUINE Windows 7 ISO without any special software and even VISTA, And XP … GENUINE, just using chrome.

          1. Yes, the Generic/Retail (Pro) key you mentioned helped me to “flip” 10 Home to Pro on a Toshiba laptop. It wouldn’t accept the keys provided here on msguides and gave me the “non core” error. But the generic pro key triggered the upgrade, of course it won’t activate a generic key, but after changing it again back to a “real” pro key it activated! Thanks!!

  11. I copied the whole batch file and pasted it into my command window, and it works fine, Tested April /2020.

  12. Once I let your script thru the virus protection, it appears to have run successfully. We shall see 😉 and thank you!

    1. what do you mean, it is not working. You must have some kind of error message and the only one I have seen is the CORE /NON CORE error related when trying.

  13. do you also have a way for photoshop preferably cc, 2019 or even 2020? I love your work, thanks for everything!

  14. Activate Date.2.28.2020
    Method 2: Using batch scripts
    This is work.
    Product Acitvated
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
    .ISO- office 365ProPlus 64bit (Version 2004/ Build 12627.20000)
    100% Work.
    Thankyou very much.

  15. I have downloaded Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus, but whenever I tried to activate it……
    It activates Microsoft Office 2016 instead.

    When I check the Control panel>>Installed programs, I see
    Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus, When I check…File>>Options>>Account, Microsoft Office 2016 is activated.
    What caused this…How can it be fixed?
    Windows Defender also, detects my scripts as “HackTool:BAT/AutoKMS””

  16. So im a newbie to all trying to activate my copy of Windows 10 Enterprise iused the cmd trick but not activated cause can’t find server. Tried the echo script and blah. Please if you could find time to let me know how to activate my copy so I don’t have to reinstall ios

  17. Well buddy you clearly have no clue about the nature of your activites it seems or you are playing dumb 😀

    Your CMD file contains not only various illegitimate windows product serial numbers to begin with it also clearly shows that you route the activation sequence to your OWN modified keymanagement server which is ofc the simple no brain method to activate a windows system illegaly and has been around for a decade or more. Im sure anyone here with a brain is aware of that and those who are not be applauded for your naive nature.

  18. I admire a lot your action, giving a way to get all these ms softwares.

    Yeah, it’s i*****l and out of law, but in the other side you helped many people (maybe million) who has no conditions to pay for it.

    Thanks so much

  19. I have reported to Microsoft head officials regarding your website. All the best Man. Your website will be taken down sooner or later and you will be dealt with relevant penal provisions .
    Do you know , a f*****g person like you need to be behind bars

    I hate piracy.

    1. Do the MS lose a lot with the piracy? Of course they lose.

      Is it a cri mi na l action? Yes, but if wasn’t he, the MS probably would never discover that, and besides that, he is improving the MS security.

      Go fck youself singham, this man is a legend.

    2. I don’t like people like you . You want to get on the site and probably use a trick or two then want to be a snitch afterwards. You know what they say about snitches.i agree with Rostels

    3. jajajaja Great Work SINGHAM , nothing you can do many website out there
      on same path, sit down in your pc and leave reporting for the next 20 years bro, so S****D

  20. I activated windows on my laptop using the multiple CMD codes (slmgr /) a while back before Microsoft ruined it. After the update, I was never able to activate windows again. Well, the laptop I activated has been getting legit windows notifications that my activation will end soon (as of January 26, 2020). Every time I boot up I get the message as a banner through the middle of my screen. Will the activation actually expire or is it something I can ignore. It does not really bother me but still making sure.

  21. Hi my freind.
    Even though windows defender sees your script its easy to block it. Just tell windows defender to allow it. Then turn off windows defender. Run your script and boom it still works.
    However my copy of your script got deleted by windows defender before I figured out how to fix it. I had a few copies of it but each one got deleted.
    Could you post it one more time? Or email it to me?

  22. dear brother…i’m touched by your post where you shared about how criminals and impostors defrauded unsuspecting people using your products…so i decided to drop by to also show support to you. please keep the good work on brother…do not be dismayed by the antics of these elements…they will not stop your light from shining very bright even in this 2020!!!