3 Methods to get a free Windows 7 license
Even though Windows Seven is a 7-year-old operating system, proportion of population who use it remains relatively high. Personally, I think Windows 7 interface is elegant and user-friendly. Its boot screen really makes me impressed. It is true that Windows 7 is still a good choice at the moment. Microsoft announced that they will continue supporting it till 2020. So you can keep your mind on using your computer for at least three years.
In today’s post, I will show you how to activate all versions of Windows 7 permanently without paying a dime. There are currently three ways to get a free license: first, by phone, which is the best way; second, by using KMS client setup keys, which is easiest; and third, by using activator tool. Honestly, I do not recommend the third way because Windows 7 Activator tool is often suspected of hacking tools by antivirus programs. If you don’t feel safe to use it, please try the first method. The following are the detailed instructions for activating Windows 7.

Method 1: By phone
This method is fully legal but it depends on the number of remaining activations on a MAK.
Step 1: Visit here to get right serial key for your Windows.
Step 2: Disable the internet connection in order to activate your Windows by phone.

Enter the license key you got above.

You receive the installation ID (9 groups of 6 digits).

Step 3: Enable the internet connection and visit Microsoft Service for Mobile page.

Enter your installation ID into the form. Then click submit button.

Q: How many computers you have installed, with this copy of software?
A: 1 (Of course!)

Enter the confirmation ID you got and click Next to activate your Windows.


Check Windows status again.

NOTE: If you see one of the notices below, please try another license key.
1. “Unfortunately, we cannot complete this transaction as our records do not recognize this as a valid product. You may be able to return the software to your reseller for a new product.
Thank you for contacting Microsoft, goodbye.”
2. “Your Microsoft Product has exceeded the set number of activations. No additional activations can be provided on this product key. Customers with volume license agreements should notify their IT Administrator or IT Professional about this error message.
Thank you for contacting Microsoft, goodbye.”
3. “Let’s get you to one of our Answer Desk agents for help.
I was not able to validate your installation ID. Please have the Activation window up on your computer screen, so you can have this number handy. The representative will need this number to help with activating your product.”
Method 2: KMS client setup keys
This one is not recommended anymore due to the new update of Microsoft.
Strengths of this method are 100 percent success rate and ease in implementation. However, it supports Windows 7 Pro / Enterprise only. That is why I have encouraged people to install Professional edition instead of the others. Please watch the video below for more details.
Method 3: Windows 7 Activator tool (not recommended)
Here is the latest VirusTotal scan result for this tool: https://virustotal.com/en/file/2f2aba1e074f5f4baa08b524875461889f8f04d4ffc43972ac212e286022ab94/analysis/.
Step 1: Download the Windows 7 Loader tool here (password nextlevel).
Step 2: Extract files from the archive and run the tool as administrator.

Step 3: Click Install button and wait…

Step 4: Restart your PC and check the result.

If you would have any questions or concerns, please leave your comments. I would be glad to explain in more details. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support!
bit.ly/aw7bp not
working as per your procedure
msdevgointeract does not work. plz fix
“Download the Windows 7 Loader tool here (password nextlevel).” I dont see the link…
the link to Microsoft Service for Mobile page, does not work please fix it, thank you!
i think microsoft block that software
Guys thanks to this website. I am able to activate windows otherwise I have been very much disturbed in activating my windows. 🙂 🙂 Great Thanks to MSGuides.
thank you guang.
on window activation page
status not available
ID not available
shows what to do now plzz repy me what to do now
on windows activation page
status not available
ID not available
showing what to do now plzz ans me
Thank you very much! I activated W7 in a virtual machine using your batch script.
Question: When I open control panel / system it shows Windows Activation for a second as “Status Not Available” then shows it as “Windows is activated”.
I don’t remember seeing this with a W7 activated with a key. Why the initial not available delay?
None of the above method works for Windows7 Ultimate, is there any other way to activate Windows7 Ultimate? thanks
KMS activation method not support Windows 7 Ultimate, don’t wasting time to try activation.
Worked perfectly on Windows 7 Pro that I bought and when I upraded my hard drive it would not activate. I even call Microsoft without any success. Thanks for the code.
You saved me from Windows 10 which I have on a laptop and I hate it.
Google: How to Make Windows 10 Look and Act More Like Windows 7
Thank you very very very much, I have unlimited key that microsoft gave my college for students back in 2010 for win7 pro32 and 64 i have put it on 10 or more computers all of them mine mostly fresh and a few downgrade installs, and recently after hacking windows to death on one of them and then reinstalling it would not activate saying the product key is now blocked. This was my main mini atx web surfer so I was hot. you saved the day!!
If you do not have the license of the windows on your system, then read this article. It will give you all the required information and guidance on how to get a free license for Windows 7.
it.ly/getw7id don’t work please help me
In method 1 : the site visit Microsoft Service for Mobile page.
is shown as dangerous by Google Chrome and not proceeding. Is it a phishing site???!!!!
Yes you are right, this is a phising site.
After hours of trying to bypass the “getidw7” page with a vpn and understanding it was not going to work i simply tried to call the s****d machine that at some point of the call will derp telling you that does not understand the number you just typed and checked 1000 times to be sure its right, so you have to end the call and do it all over again just to be trolled by it, i just enabled my internet and clic the “activate online” thing and guess what it just worked with the key…, guess they really update them daily, cant remember what key i used for home premium but worked.
Forgot to say thanks, lol.
exelent!I just activated my windows 7 ultimate sp1 x64!thanks!
By which Method?
Hello my friend, I’m a big fan of you and your work
“bit.ly/getw7id” is not working!
u should use this one “bit.ly/w7petxt”
“bit.ly/getw7id” Don’t Work.Can you tell us how to active window 7 ultimat any othere mathod.
Not working, Microsoft Service for Mobile page has been shutdown.
search google for 1click.cmd for your windows version…… 100% worked for me…… using since last two years….
Can i have Microsoft product Activation link
Hi. i followed method one at February 2018 it was working and i activated window 7 ultimate but now i am trying and following the same method but now ( http://bit.ly/getidw7) it not working. do you have any alternate link or method?
Can I know how to activate windows 7 with cmd?
Hi Guang,
I’m using 1click.cmd and getting message:The connection to my kms server failed! …..Sorry! Your version is not supported. But I do have windows 7 pro. Could you please help?
Thank you.
I use method one but but when serial key in verifying process after few moments a dialogue box show that the invalid key. plz help me how i can solve this error and active my windows 7 ultimate
when you paste window key ..before start more process. you should disable your internet connection .
Thank you Guang. You. Are. Simply. Awesome. Nuff said!
method 1 is really working thanku so much admin
Wow Im impressed with your honesty and accuracy and easy to follow steps. Ive tried other websites and it just seems to never up right. ThanksWow Im impressed with your honesty and accuracy and easy to follow steps. Ive tried other websites and it just seems to never up right. Thanks
Works perfectly – Thank you!
what window are you on please
Dump, you should save it then rename it to .cmd or .bat.
Just tried your method #2 but it isn’t working for my win 7 pro 64 bit. Could you email me an updated list?