Download Microsoft Office / Windows OS for FREE (ALL versions)

Click the file name to launch download in a new tab.

Note: All the files below are English versions.

Update 02/04/2018: If you want to get the latest version of Office 2016 in your language, please read this post.


Microsoft Office Professional Plus
2021 (32&64bit)
2019 (32&64bit)
2016 (32bit) | 2016 (64bit)
2013 (32bit) | 2013 (64bit)
2010 (32bit) | 2010 (64bit)

Microsoft Project/Visio Professional
Project 2016 | Visio 2016
Project 2019 | Visio 2019
Project 2021 | Visio 2021

Windows OS Professional edition
11 (64bit) | 11 (64bit) for old PC
10 (32bit) | 10 (64bit)
8.1 (32bit) | 8.1 (64bit)
7 (32bit) | 7 (64bit)

Instructions how to extract 7z files

If you are using a file archiver software such as 7zip or WinRAR, you could do this.

extract 7z files

Or else just open the file. It will be extracted automatically.

run sfx file - Download Microsoft Office / Windows OS for FREE (ALL versions)

If you see the Windows alert, please follow the steps below.

windows protected your pc alert - Download Microsoft Office / Windows OS for FREE (ALL versions)
run sfx file anyway - Download Microsoft Office / Windows OS for FREE (ALL versions)

If you would have any questions or concerns, please leave your comments. I would be glad to explain in more details. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support!

4.9/5 - (1495 votes)

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  1. Unfortunately, that is not working to me for Office 365 in Windows 10. I ran as administrator as well.
    I just both new laptop and Im assuming the latest version of Office is preinstalled.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Hi all

    I downloaded the current version of Office 2019 pro plus but during activation i only receive the following message:
    Sorry! Your version is not supported.

    Any idea? Any help is gladly appreciated.

    1. I tried it again, but this time starting the batch file with admin rights and it worked. May this helpes someone else as well 🙂


  3. Thank you for the YouTube video you had for the previous version. I was able to successfully install and use it. Thank you so much Guang for the link, for the recent version, and the support in locating the apps. You are the “REAL DEAL!” I’m going to make a donation to you, it’s better than paying full retail

  4. I’m trying to download but it keeps saying .. 400 bad request.. request header or cookie too large..?


  5. ============================================================================
    #Project: Activating Microsoft software products for FREE without software

    #Supported products:
    – Microsoft Office Standard 2019
    – Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019

    Activating your Office…

    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…


    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…


    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…

    Sorry! Your version is not supported.
    Please try installing the latest version here:

    Que puis je faire??

    1. I had the same problem. I solved it by deleting the office pack I had, downloaded the link right here: (2019 (32&64bit)), and then running again the code.

  6. ============================================================================
    #Project: Activating Microsoft software products for FREE without software

    #Supported products:
    – Microsoft Office Standard 2019
    – Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019

    Activating your Office…

    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…


    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…


    The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one…
    Please wait…

    Sorry! Your version is not supported.
    Please try installing the latest version here:

    Can you Help Please…

  7. I have installed office 2019 pro plus from your url.and installed .I have also copied the text for office.cmd and saved as above .when I run by above command as run as administrator.every time I am getting your version is not to solve this problem

  8. Thank you so much! Upgraded from 2016 office that was nagging me about being unlicenced to 2019 that works 100%

  9. Hi guys I was able to install the package and activate it, but the OneNote application isn’t in the office package “2019 (32&64bit)”, there is some way to install it as well? Thanks in advance.

  10. Please re-upload windows 7 and 8 both 32 and 64 bit versions. Upload to if you can’t upload to

  11. It’s works! Thank you so much. I am your big fan since i was first follow your instruction to download 2016 version, now, my version has been upgraded from 2016 to 2019. Million thanks!

  12. From the link provided, MSOffice 2016 Professional Plus was downloaded. Since it is retail, I cannot activate it. Even I tried using the 1click.cmd method as described in the video, but it shows My KMS Server not available. I will be glad if you or anyone helps. Thanks in advance.

  13. I load again Office 2013 (32 bit) in my notebook with windows 7 but I forget the procedure for activation.
    Few years ago you help me in activation phase.
    Can yuo help me for activation?.
    Thank you very much.

  14. Hi, and first of all…thanks for your hard work! Do you have a key product for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019? Thanks!!!