Download Microsoft Office / Windows OS for FREE (ALL versions)
Click the file name to launch download in a new tab.
Note: All the files below are English versions.
Update 02/04/2018: If you want to get the latest version of Office 2016 in your language, please read this post.
Microsoft Office Professional Plus
2021 (32&64bit)
2019 (32&64bit)
2016 (32bit) | 2016 (64bit)
2013 (32bit) | 2013 (64bit)
2010 (32bit) | 2010 (64bit)
Microsoft Project/Visio Professional
Project 2016 | Visio 2016
Project 2019 | Visio 2019
Project 2021 | Visio 2021
Windows OS Professional edition
11 (64bit) | 11 (64bit) for old PC
10 (32bit) | 10 (64bit)
8.1 (32bit) | 8.1 (64bit)
7 (32bit) | 7 (64bit)
Instructions how to extract 7z files
If you are using a file archiver software such as 7zip or WinRAR, you could do this.

Or else just open the file. It will be extracted automatically.

If you see the Windows alert, please follow the steps below.

If you would have any questions or concerns, please leave your comments. I would be glad to explain in more details. Thank you so much for all your feedback and support!
Please I wanna get Windows 11 with MS Office 2024 preactivated
Asking to enter product key, can anyone provide product key ?
My mouse clicks (right,left) is not working on desktop when I m working on excel. When I closed excel, everything is ok, no problem. I think it causes to a crash in windows system due to not orjinal office lisans. When I just open the “task manager”, it solves for a few clicks but after that again mouse clilks are not working. Can you help ?
Asking to enter product key, can anyone provide product key ?
Tried again now it’s 2021 but asking for product key. What to do ?
Downloaded & installed but it was Office 365 and asking for registration
Is it normal the link for Office 2021 give me Office product 2019 after the installation is over and i don’t have Office 2019 installed on my computer
I want to download the Visio and Project for 2021, however, I cannot download be downloaded securely, any tips? Would appreciate
I have used this block for 3 years and I thank you for the useful tips on cracking Microsoft office
Thank you for releasing the software free as pro bono
can you please send a procedure to be taken when if i ant to download Microsoft word
office 2021 for mac os – dpwnload file
do you have it
please share.
heloo do you have office for mac
Can you post a way to upgrade from win 11 home single language to win 11 pro n
Important: When using this method or any other activation method which does not require payment, there is one important thing to keep in mind is that do not sign in to the office account or it will state that product is not activated. You will lose the autosave feature for one drive, but you can save locally by default.
Your tricks always work. Amazing! Keep helping everyone out there.
i download 2021 but install 2016..
Dearest Guang,
I downloaded “Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 (32&64bit)”.
Then I installed it, I opened a new WORD file but in the Account section appears ACTIVATION REQUIRED.
Do you know why?
I am a random student replying here but I tried method one of activation via cmd and it worked for me.
I love windows 11 so much, I’d like to thank you for the features that you’ve added.
You really did a great job in designing it , I thank all the Microsoft team company for that job.
What I recommend is that, but it’s a request: For the enhancement of beautifulness of windows, you may also add Android play store so that windows users may be able to use android applications in their PCs, thank you.
zip file after extraction setup. exe error the system cannot find the file specified.
thank you
Dear Bro , I have windows 11 but have Key Error i have tried so many things but unable to work on Excel Please help what to do
faulty pc hai tumhare pass
LOL Hows that a faulty PC Rizwan lol
Thankyou very much for showing me how to activate MS Office 2021.
Thanks for helping me activate windows 10. Keep up the good works.
Good Job
hi sir..
All I want to say is thank you for your tremendous efforts
I benefited a lot from your site
Once again thanks a lot..
You are really creative!
If you add editing programs as well
I Use EDIUS and I Need to activate it
the key for office 2021 and 2019 not working
office 2021 works just fine just finished intalling it run the scripts it also activate the product key.
Office 2021 pro no longer works Windows 11 has apparently changed the code.
visio 2021 link broken
Microsoft office professional plus is asking for product key.
The same
same problem bro ….
same problem bro
Connection to KMS server failed…